Pole Dance Introduced -> The greatest sport in the world!

Pole Dance or Pole Fitness (more on the differences shortly) are among the most beautiful ways to take to the air, which is why Pole Dance is often referred to as Aerial Dance. In addition to training physical fitness, you can build strength in the courses, dance, get to know yourself and your body better, improve your posture and core stability, and, with proper instruction, prevent or even alleviate back pain. Beyond these hard facts, this form of aerial acrobatics is simply a lot of fun.
Content and Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Pole Dance so expensive?
Can anyone do Pole Dance?
What are the benefits of Pole Dance?
Interesting facts about training on the pole
Where can you learn Pole Dance, and what should you look for when choosing a studio?
How can you train Pole Dance at home?
Where can I get my own pole?
Pole Dance and Pole Fitness, what are they?
The prejudices against these sports are diminishing more and more. And that's a good thing. Because the origin of Pole Dance as an aerial sport and form of acrobatics is not in nightclubs, but rather in Asia. Although one wears little clothing, and it plays an important role in Pole Dance, "stripping" is not among the things that are supposed to be trained. Fundamentally, in Pole Dance and, of course, in Pole Fitness, one moves around a vertical pole that extends between the floor and the ceiling. Pole means bar (please pronounce it "Poooohl" and not "Pool Dance", "Pooll" is the thing with the water ;-) )
While Pole Dance puts a bit more emphasis on the flow, the dance movements, and the interpretation of music, Pole Fitness involves performing a workout like a fitness program with the help of the pole.
- Pole Dance - Workout with dance character
- Polefitness - Individual exercises, not necessarily dance
Why is Pole Dance so expensive?
These are sports that require space. Just for this reason, in good studios, you won't find 20 poles in one room. The equipment itself is not cheap, and a pole can be occupied by at most 2 people at a time. Therefore, the group size is limited and cannot be expanded at will like in some other fitness classes. The trainers prepare, the choreographies and the program cannot be simply improvised on the spot. In addition to solid knowledge about pole sport itself, additional qualifications and knowledge in anatomy, training theory and much more are useful. Pole Dance for 2.50 EUR - Honestly: stay away!
Reasons that justify the price:
- Space requirement
- Small groups
- Not an unlimited number of customers can be served
- Extensive knowledge of the trainers
Can anyone do Pole Dance?
Basically, anyone can learn Pole Dance. Men, women, in some cases also children, even seniors and best-agers. A bit of determination and motivation is needed, as it is demanding. You work functionally, that is, with your own body weight and overcoming gravity, or at least trying to. In fact, this is easier than thought, and success in this form of dance and aerial acrobatics comes quickly.

What are the benefits of Pole Dance or Pole Fitness?
More Self-Confidence
Many people start Pole Dance because they want to combine a sporting workout with a form of personal development and they are right. Being more aware of oneself, recognizing and expanding one's abilities while also working on physical fitness, all of this is achieved with Pole Dance. Confidence and self-esteem are boosted, and this benefits anyone.
Flexibility - in Body and Mind
The training and workout on and with the pole are not only good for your body, but you will also become mentally fitter. In addition to the increased flexibility of your body, you will quickly find that your mental coordination improves as well. So, in a way, Pole Dance is like doing yoga on a vertical pole. It represents a holistic activity and can indeed become a way of life.
Fun & Making Connections Thanks to Pole Dance
You don't necessarily need someone to accompany you to pole sport and go with you to the studio. This is a great advantage, as in many other sports you depend on having a partner. However, or precisely because of this, you will make new contacts. The group dynamics in pole courses are usually very positive, there is training, fighting, swearing, but also a lot of laughter. There are wonderful people who do Pole Dance, you will notice this, and so not only new contacts will emerge, but sometimes also deep friendships.
Slimmer Through Pole Dance
Pole Dance tones you up. You may not necessarily notice a loss of kilos on the scale, but you will quickly find that you become firmer, slimmer, and straighter. Muscle increases your basal metabolic rate and strengthens you. Fasting is not necessary. Make sure to consume enough protein, your muscles need it.
A Better Body Sensation Through Pole Dance
Your posture will improve as the supporting muscles of your body are strengthened, and so you will grow in the most literal sense of the word. The posture becomes straighter, more upright, and healthier, you will feel more confident, and your environment will notice it too.
Useful Information About Training on the Pole
Mind and Body - Every Muscle - Pole Dance is Full-Body Training
Basically, it's quite simple: you always have to tense everything and feel and demand every muscle fiber. That's why it's such an effective workout. In addition to strength, endurance is also trained, and there's no need to fear developing unfeminine muscles. Training with your own body weight always results in a balanced appearance.
What to Wear for Pole Dance?
What keeps you on the pole is the skin. Where there is no (bare) skin, there is no grip, it's as simple as that. Thus, you really need a pair of short shorts. Short is not a matter of definition here. Cycling shorts, regular hotpants, or similar are too long. The shorts must leave the entire leg exposed so that you can use the skin as a pressure point (Presspoint) and grip point. In higher-level courses, you will later also need the skin of your abdomen for holding. Initially, you are well served with a well-fitting bikini bottom and a sports top. Later, you should at least invest in proper functional clothing for Pole shorts. Pole shorts and great outfits are now quite easy to come by. Have a browse in our shop and you will see that there is something for everyone. Since you usually dance barefoot, you save on sports shoes and can invest the saved money in Pole Dance outfits (or later, if you want to do Pole Dance in high heels, in the corresponding Pleaser).
How to dress for your first Pole Dance class:
- Leggings (for warm-up and cool-down)
- Short shorts (with bikini bottoms underneath)
- Top or T-shirt
- Comfortable sports bra
- Small towel
- Your own microfiber towel for cleaning the pole (cleaning agent provided by the studio)
- Plenty of water

Where Can You Learn Pole Dance, What Should You Look for When Choosing a Studio?
To learn Pole Dance/Polefitness/Polesport, please seek out a studio. Of course, there are many tutorials online, and now you can find good literature and manuals, you can also order the appropriate poles (X-Pole, Lupit Pole, etc.) here at polesportshop.de, and all this can support your training. But do yourself a favor and don't try to learn this form of aerial acrobatics, this dance entirely on your own.
Even if you have prior experience in dance, rhythmic gymnastics, gymnastics, fitness, yoga, or pilates, it is definitely advisable to enroll in a course. A coach has the right perspective on posture, can tell you how to properly build and use your muscles, and always keeps your safety in mind.
A Pole Dance coach has specialized training, can explain the moves on the pole, has didactic knowledge, is a role model. The studio stands out for its space and cleanliness, and there are clear rules that everyone must follow. This is for safety. So, don't be surprised if you have to adhere to some rules.
How Can You Train Pole Dance at Home?
Preparation for Pole Dance Workout
Whether in the studio or at home, before training comes the preparation: Do not apply lotion, but also make sure your skin is not too dry. Always start with a warm-up and always end the training with a cool-down. Get cleaning supplies for the pole (isopropanol, cleaning alcohol, vodka, gin). With them, you degrease your hands and also the pole, so you can improve your grip. If all this is not enough and you still can't get a good grip on the pole, there are various grip aids (magnesia, grip pads, etc.) that should be used as sparingly as possible.
How Often Should You Train Pole Dance?
Allow yourself breaks! Once you've been bitten by the pole bug, you'll want to train again and again, every day. But since Pole Dance is a demanding workout, it's important that you take a day or two off.
Where Can I Get My Own Pole Dance Pole?
Your Own Pole Dance Pole for Home
We had already mentioned at the beginning that Pole Dance is not exactly a cheap sport. Due to this and your new passion, you will start thinking about acquiring your own pole quite early, so you can also train from home (or even participate in the courses of your studio online, as we now know - keyword: lockdown).
Static or Spinning Pole
A static pole (X-Pole, Lupit) is fixed and does not have a spinning function. A spinning pole has the capability to spin on its own under your momentum.
In most studios, you will initially learn on a static pole, so that you can develop a feel and don't have to fight against the centrifugal force of the spinning pole as well. Later on, the spinning function comes into play.
Nevertheless, when purchasing a pole, we recommend opting directly for the version that also includes the spinning function (for example, X-Pole Xpert). If you stay loyal to the sport, you will need this function. If you decide to give up the sport, a pole with a spinning function sells much more easily.
Do I Need to Drill into the Ceiling?
No! The poles are installed between the floor and the ceiling. Alternatively, there are also so-called stages, where the pole stands free in the room, surrounded by a small podium.
The Right Diameter for Your Pole Dance Pole
Nowadays, poles are available in numerous diameters (40, 42, 45, 48, 50 mm). The standard is a pole with a diameter of 45 mm. Most studios work with poles of this diameter. Smaller or larger diameters are suitable for more delicate or larger hands.
Choosing the Right Material for Your Pole Dance Pole
Even if you read about chrome poles, it refers to a chrome-plated pole. The grip is quite good, but the chrome coating can wear off over time. For private use, however, the chrome pole is the most used. Stainless steel poles are polished to a high gloss and visually do not differ from a chrome pole. However, there is no wear here, and for allergy sufferers, stainless steel (less nickel) is even more suitable. Chrome or stainless steel? those are the classics. However, you can now also buy powder-coated or silicone poles. Powder-coated poles offer (especially for beginners) a better grip, on silicone poles you must (have to) train with clothing, otherwise, your skin will suffer.
Requirements in Your Apartment for Setting Up a Dance Pole
Your home should meet the following requirements, then there will be no obstacles to setting up your own pole:
- solid ceilings
- solid floor
- enough space around the pole (approx. 120 cm radius)
- a minimum ceiling height of 2.20 m